Face Forward, Inc Announces Natural Progesterone Cream Promotion
Released on = November 17, 2006, 10:34 am
Press Release Author = Face Forward, Inc.
Industry = Healthcare
Press Release Summary = Natural Progesterone Cream Will Relieve the Symptoms of Thousands.These creams will empower women with choices in managing and balancing their hormones.
Press Release Body = For Immediate Release November 21,2006
Face Forward,Inc. Announces Natural Progesterone Cream New web site
Natural Progesterone Cream Will Relieve the Symptoms of Thousands
Mesa-November 21,2006-Today,as it\'s new webpage,online articles and ordering system is launched,Face Forward,Inc announced immediate availability of natural progesterone creams,via its new website, www.progesterone-cream-natural.com .These creams will empower women with choices in managing and balancing their hormones,without the dangers and side effects of synthetic hormones. Despite the existence and proven track record of these creams for years,many women are still unaware of their existence and the valuable relief and protection they can deliver.
\"After losing a dear friend to breast cancer,and having it strike both my own family members and business partner,I simply had to do something more\"says Face Forward,Inc.president,Sherree Mongrain.\"During hundreds of hours of training and research,I\'ve learned so much that absolutely shocks me. My research has led me to believe that many women are suffering needlessly and some are even dying from not having access to this information.\"Mongrain points to such books as What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Premenopause: Balance Your Hormones and Your Life From Thirty to Fifty,Dr. John R. Lee,MD,et al and What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause: The Breakthrough Book On Natural Progesterone,Dr. John R Lee,MD, Virginia Hopkins as invaluable tools for understanding the issues in layman\'s terms. Women are encouraged to seek the assistance of their doctors and to utilize simple salivary hormone level tests to assure correct hormone levels in the body. Links to local naturopathic doctors and online testing sites are also available on the website.
For more information on Natural Progesterone Creams: http://www.progesterone-cream-natural.com http://www.azeps.com
Steven Scheeler AZEPS Community
Web Site = http://www.progesterone-cream-natural.com/
Contact Details = Sherree Mongrain ||1411 W. Mendoza Ave. ||Mesa , 85202||$$country||||480-636-1470||sherree.mongrain@gmail.com||http://www.progesterone-cream-natural.com/
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